Which Canada

did You Vote for?

A comic about ROBOCALLS is here

My reaction to 2011 election results is here


Which Canada did you vote for?  I want a government that puts its citizens’ best interests first.     I was astonished and disheartened to see the first government in Canadian history to be found in contempt (as close as Canadian law comes to what in the U.S. would be impeaching a president) being rewarded with even more power. 

The above comic is separated into individual segments, so you can pluck out any specific issue you wish or drop any piece of it into an email or something to someone who may not take time to read the whole thing.  I welcome you to share this comic in whole or in part or print them for your own use provided that you make no changes to the content. I have worked to ensure that each segment remains clear when taken out of context as much as possible, although naturally I consider it more eloquent when viewed in its entirety. You may also find the individual segments of this comic using a white background here (a little more printer-friendly that way).  The entire original comic (first 24 segments) is also available as four double-page 11”x17” images here; they are laid out in such a fashion that they will print as two double-sided pages that staple and fold into a tidy eight page comic.  Single letter sized pages are here.  BBcode for easier internet forum distribution is here.  You may print for your own use, share with family, friends, people you agree or disagree with, or even simply leave it somewhere that other concerned citizens may pick it up.  Several of my other projects have indicated that leaving something like this lying around on your kitchen counter will result in a surprising number of visitors picking it up and reading it. ;o)~

If you enjoyed this work you may be curious to see comics that I created for the 2008 Canadian federal election. The first addressed the issue of Harper’s environmental policy under then environment minister John Baird and what intensity-based targets really means. The second spoke more broadly of Harper government economic policy.

In 2010 I also created a one page comic specifically about Canada’s war on science.

I like working for ethical causes. If your event, program, organization, or cause would value a playful way to convey your compelling message, contact me

This entire project is an unpaid labour of democratic hope, made with volunteered hours and personal resources.  If you would like to support further projects like this in future, any donations would be greatly appreciated and put to a good purpose.  Any donation made here will go to making yet more democracy comics possible.  It’s urgent that under the Harper reign we keep Canadians informed through social and grassroots media, as a counter to PMO disinformation.    I still have faith in the potential of democracy.  My dream is to more effectively engage the majority of voters who disagree with the direction our nation has been taken, and will be further reshaped by in the next few years, to stand together and be heard. 

Many thanks to Steve McNabb of Radio Free Peterborough for continuing to graciously provide hosting.  Many thanks also to Vanni LoRiggio for providing translation services to reach francophone voters.

Don’t take my word for it.  Want to learn more?  Links here

This work will be expanded in a variety of ways between now and the next election.  Join our facebook group!  Spread the word!

We have lost a battle in Mr. Harper’s war on Canada,

but it’s not time to surrender, we must stay engaged.